sábado, 12 de outubro de 2019

Celebrate the Mental Health Awareness Week - Campanha da Elsevier

Researcher Academy
Celebrate the Mental Health Awareness Week
Burnout is not a new phenomenon, but its increased visibility has given the issue more focus and light, especially in high-stress related fields and professions. With burnout being recognised as a serious issue amongst healthcare professionals, Researcher Academy has collaborated with the European Society for Medical Oncology in developing a new module addressing burnout.
You can now watch the webinar for free and gain a deeper understanding of what burnout is, what the potential risk factors are, and how you can kick it to the curb. 
Let’s get that grant
Watch now
Watch the module and join expert Dr Susana Banerjee to learn what you can do to support a healthy work-life balance.
Kind regards,
The Researcher Academy Team

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